The chances are good that they'll come over to your blog and read some of the posts, and maybe leave a comment. When someone subscribe for your free gift (an eBook, a video training etc) a new lead will be added in your email list. Reading those other blogs helps keep your inspiration going. In only few days, your traffic will literally explode
So if you are thinking of establishing a strong online presence then these below software is among the things you must consider using. The only advice I can give to you is to hire an article ghostwriter to write for you. The main objective is to have a topic you will not quickly lose interest in, because in the beginning the dollars will not be rolling in, in fact if cents are rolling in you are ahead of many beginner bloggers out there. I advise my students never to promote themselves as bloggers. It allows you to create a blog and start publishing blog posts within a few minutes
So that can make you an extra income stream from your writing, just by posting it up on your blog. Choose a template design for your blog and tweak it a little. As a blogger, you wouldn't talk to that person like you are in a board room, but rather you would talk to that person like they were your friend. You could even write all of your blog entries for the year in some cases, unless your topic is more time sensitive
Keep your description within the character limit. Always keep in mind that you can choose to create fake blogs but remember all the risks involved. Keep it short and simple
The fifth way is to put links to your web site on your blog. Until the subject interests you, you will not be able to get the best out of you. Today, the hottest new thing is video blogging (also called vblogging or vlogging). This will help you to use your blog as a source of increasing traffic to your web site too
Set aside some time for at least a couple of weeks when you tell yourself that it is your "time" to create content. So, now that you know about tons of benefits of niche blogging, here are the top 3 most popular niches that you can take up to star your blogging venture. Just let your brain learn that every good idea is going to be noticed and used in some way. It's where the money is